Photography by theme: January- Entrance

Second theme - 'Entrance'. (Open to interpretation).

I quite early decided an interpretation for «entrance». I was hoping for a model to use as I thought about entering the mind…. My hope was capturing portraits and locations finding the deeper thoughts and secrets. We all have a darker side hidden in our mind, and that’s what I’m hoping to find in the pictures. And later in the prosess as I worked with the material, it became clear to me that I had to make it a story.

0_The first picture is the mind, and the state of it. Entering it…
1_The second one, where is the mind? It’s entering something up the staircase, where is the mind taking me? I like the bright spotlight of the window, and the narrow stairway going up there to this enclosed place.
2_The third picture is telling something more about what’s up there, or what she has on store for her. Is the shadow watching out for her, or is he a threatening figure?
3_The last picture I wanted to use the captivating appearance of the building wall. The two souls entering and/or facing a destiny, and the same time they are anonymous people in the story.
I wanted everything to be dark, and in a way intimidating, intrusive and claustrophobic.
But the portrait starting the “journey” needed some spotlight so I could portrait her mood and state of mind.

The weather was cold, about -2-4 degrees Celsius, a clear day, but not very sunny.

PS! Siden dette ble en "story" kjente jeg at det passet med å lage en liten film av bildene.
(Filmen er ikke en del av evalueringen...)


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