Photography by theme: December - Pairs

First theme - 'Pairs'. (Open to interpretation.)

An easy task it seemed. But then it wasn't. 

The first picture I took at home in my Livingroom. I set up objects in the window a cloudy day. And I played with reading light lamps, and with depth and sharpness, and with the fixed lense. 

The next two pictures are from a trip in the city. The day was cloudy, with little or no sun. And i know that I have a challenge with getting the light. 
At first I was looking for a theme, trying to think of what I wanted pairs to be about. I ended up shouting The tree of love (the heart lights in the tree) and went out of my comfort zone by asking people if I could take a picture of them for my project.  I like that it looks kind of dark, with little colours, just the hearts telling what it’s all about. Love. I hope the pictures are kind of close/intimate in a way. And if I should let the story tell more, I think the branches from the tree is the darkness we should be aware of, because love is fragile, and is important to maintain :-) 

The swans tell the story of love in their every move. I like that it’s not cliché portraits wirh the sunset in the background. But I hoped for the shot to have been taken from at better angle, where I could have been in better level of the waterline. Maybe it could have been even sharper? 
But I hope not to fall in the “HDR-trap”, but try to stick with or stay true to my own expression.


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